Friday, February 17, 2012

Indoor Campout

If you have never had  an indoor camp out, I highly recommend it!  I decided to have  an impromptu camping trip for my daughters and it was truly a huge success.  So here are the 5 easy steps to your own indoor camp out.

1. Create a tent.  If you don't have a tent or have one but don't want to bother getting it out and setting it up, you move all your kids furniture to the side in their room.  Take a large sheet and drape it over the backs of dining room chairs, using rubber bands to tie on.  Take a comforter or large blanket and spread it out underneath the tent with pillows.

2. Make sure your kids are properly packed for their camping trip, in our case the essentials were a stuffed animal, a book and a pair of  pajamas.  You notice that they already put their backpacks in their tent.
3. Gather all the required nutritional items which of course means hot dogs, hot dog buns, ketchup, mustard, relish, graham crackers, marshmallows and chocolate bars.

4. Use your wonderful fireplace as your campfire.  If you don't have a fireplace, you could use a burner on your stove if you have a gas  stove, if you have no gas stove, you could use your microwave and just pretend. Roast your hot dogs, make s'mores and don't forget to sing a few camp songs.

5.  Last but not least, you should play a game or two, use a flashlight and if your kids are old  enough, tell spooky stories.  We played Go Fish in front of the fire, then changed into our pajamas and climbed into our tent to read a book by flashlight.

I guess there is technically another step.

6.  Marvel at your awesomeness as you watch your kids faces light up with joy when you set everything up.  Be amazed that they like it so much they continually talk about their camp out for the next week, ask to sleep in their tent every night and want to make every dinner in the fireplace.  Smile  at your husband as you both realize you have just made one of those amazing memories for them that they will cherish even as adults.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Updating Picture Frames

Wow!  I can't believe it has been 2 weeks since I made a post.  The really sad part is that I have made note of several things to make posts about, I just haven't gotten around to actually making the posts.  Oh well, I guess I will just jump in and start.
I recently came across 2 prints I saved from my childhood.  They are really beautiful but the frames were horribly dated. 

I forgot to take a picture of the other one before fixing

In December when I was  making Christmas presents, I bought some Rub n Buff but I didn't realize how bright it would be.  I ended up not using it for that project and I have been trying to find something to make with it since.

Well, how perfect!  My older two girls share a room and it is decorated in bright colors like pinks, oranges and bright blues.

Here are both prints.

Not only do the blue frames go perfectly with my daughters' room, it also really makes the prints pop.
A great solution to updating the look of a room without spending a lot of money.  You could also spray paint a frame but I wanted to use the Rub n Buff so some of the gold would shine through and the frames would  have more depth than if they were all one solid color.