I am a very strong proponent of voting. I encourage everyone I know to vote, even if I know they don't share the same political views as I do because I believe strongly that it is our civic duty to be involved with politics at every level. It is precisely why, after taking my Munchkin to the doctor for a diagnosis of pink eye on Friday, poor baby, that I went and voted. Elections like the one we are currently having, where you are only voting for constitutional amendments, generally have an extremely low voter turnout which makes it even more important to make your voice heard. Every vote counts in any election but in ones like this, I believe your vote counts even more which is why I would like to encourage anyone who might read this to PLEASE, go vote on Tuesday, November 8th if you haven't already. You can find out what the proposed amendments are here and you can find your local polling place here.
I also have a completely unrelated tip for everyone. If you have a basement, and the bathroom where your young children take a bath happens to sit over a part of this basement, I recommend NOT placing your networking equipment underneath said bathroom.
Friday night, Monkey and Monster were taking a bath when Munchkin starting crying. I left the bathroom to go grab her and feed her and in the few minutes I was gone, my children somehow managed to splash so much water outside the tub that they essentially turned the floor into a mini lake. While I tried to mop all the water up, I wasn't fast enough and some of it ran under the baseboard, into a closet and dripped down, directly on top of our router, modem and switch, effectively killing our entire network.
My husband was understandably upset, given that it destroyed an 800 dollar piece of equipment and he had to go scrounging through spare parts to piecemeal our network back together. Thank God I am married to a network technician who can take even a disaster like that and within 2 hours, have our entire house back up and running.
Leave a comment and tell me, what is the most expensive thing your child/ren have ever inadvertently destroyed?
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