Sunday, October 16, 2011

Consignment Store Galore

I love consignment stores, antique stores, thrift stores and any other store where I can find something that not everyone has and I can find it cheap, like this really cute Old Navy jacket I picked up for 8 dollars.

Or this really awesome Pancaldi red leather purse I found for only 4 dollars.

Which brings me to my latest find.  I found these eye catching shoes in an antique store tucked away in the corner.  They immediately grabbed my attention because of their interesting pattern and the fact that they are heels, which I have a slight obsession with.

So imagine my surprise when I got closer and saw that they are Miu Mius!  I managed to snag these beauties for only 16 dollars!  I can't wait to come up with some cool outfits to wear them with!

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